When Andy took a deep breath and closed his eyes, Ryan narrowed his eyes and said "Don't tell me that you are still in love with that women"
Andy frowned and said "Don't mention her name in front of me"
"If you are not thinking about that bitchy women then why are you stopping from loving Amy?" Ryan asked
"I don't know but —"
Ryan sighed and said "love gives a second chance for some people and I think your second chance is Amy. I also think that Amy is your true love."
When Andy didn't say anything for a long time, Ryan smiled and said "Andy I think you know about saturation point. For everyone and everything, there will be a saturation point and Amy also have one. Think about it."
"Ryan, don't erase this news, let it be," Andy said while pointing towards newspaper
"Why? If you are not in love with Amy then why you want to keep this news" Ryan said
"Just do want I asked you to do" Amy snapped and dashed out of the room.
Miller mansion