As I'm running through the woods I'm being chased by the man I was following but I can't tell how close he is to me...I can't stop. I've run to far that I found myself on the edge of a cliff! But I dare not turn around as I hear his voice.
Stranger: "Who are you, and why were you following me?"
...: "I am nobody, just let me go and I'll be on my way"
Stranger: "Im afraid I can't let you do that"
...: "Umm...Why's that?"
Stranger: *growl* "Because your on my territory"
-A few hours past-
I woke up and found myself in a strange cell alone with only a bucket of water. I waited in hopes somebody would come down there but days had past with no food and one days left of water. Until suddenly I saw light at the top of the stairs, someone was coming down....but who.
Stranger: "Now that I have you here mind telling me who you are now"
...: "why should I tell you"
Stranger: "Well if you want to see the light of day.."
...: "Okay okay fine, it's Athena. My name is Athena