"You...aren't...human..." The semi-transparent figure gradually revealed its true form.
It was a middle-aged man, his originally square and straight face caved in from the hammer blows of Beichuan Si, wearing a black leather apron with boots and an upper garment of a white shirt soaked through with dark blood.
Could he actually communicate?
Beichuan Si's brow furrowed deeply.
By nature, a vengeful spirit was the grudge of the dead against the living, something similar to a longing.
Have you ever seen a longing that could communicate?
Obviously, that was impossible.
Beichuan Si's eyes flickered with a lifeless glint.
He had now realized that the grudge emanating from Factory Owner Sanmu was only of a beginner high level, yet it possessed abilities that some medium-level vengeful spirits did not.
For example, the ability to communicate.
Another example was that those vengeful spirit dolls outside must have been crafted by him in this space.