Chapter 17 - bipolar

i want....hmmmm... twenty kisses ...krishna said while smirked evily... ....twenty kisses ....its too much krish...

what are you backing now .....

I'm not....

okay give me ....what i asked ..

okay..she comes near him and start to kiss him but he said ...

i want twenty kisses but i will take it when ever i want he said while smirking

okay..she said innocently...but she can't understand how he wants to take his kisses...

krish I'm hungry...

okay mam lets go....he said while taking his phone ...

hmmm....lets go...

hey you go i will gave some calls to my assistant ...

...okay... come fast she went to the dining room and saw her new family members are waiting for them...

Radha .... you are here ..where is my son ..opps ...sorry my mistake ..where is your husband huh...

mom please don't tease me ...she pouted ...

haha...everyone laughed heartily....

we are waiting for you my grand daughter in law Annapurna said ...

granny why you are waiting for us you have to take your food on time she said guilty

not only your granny and grandpa your father in law also waiting for us Dear janaki said ..

oh my god.... I'm sorry....

why you said sorry daughter Her grandpa askes her

because of me you alla re hungry she said with a sad face

dad you have to take care of your health first don't you have any medicine to take here you can eat but first you have to eat Sweet pongal ....i make that as a new daughter in law ...

where is it Lakshmi ... kamal asked his wife ...

wait a second she wants to go to bring that ... but Radha said don't mom i will bring that you can sit here she went to kitchen and started serving food for every one

Where is krishna ..... Anand asked (krishna grandfather)

he is speaking with his assistant ...grandpa

we can wait for him ...

grandpa you first eat .... we can eat after you ate

Right..... grandpa....first all of you have to eat first .... how many time should i tell you to take your food on time Krishna scolds his family members ...

Krishna ...we are fine ...

no dad when will you take your medicines huh...

you all are deserves punishment...

no ... please krishna dont do that ....Annapurna begging him

no granny you can take your punishment..

krishna ....that....Lakshmi and janaki wants to explain ....

but who is he the hitler .....he glared at them and said to maid to prepare something

everyone gulped to think about their punishment ...

But Radha saw her husband angry face and stares at her family who looked worridly ...

krishna ... please spare this time ....huh...Kamal asked

no way.... punishment is a punishment....he declared

everyone thinking and bowed their head and that time Krishna stand and went to Radha said ....

he stares at her family who is tensionly hung his head this time is enough to him what he want to do ...

he kissed her cheek hardly and said i take my first kiss ...kiddo...

here Radha got shocked and soon her cheeks become deep red because of his doings ...

she glares at him but he winked at her ....

did he the patient of bipolar...she asked herself because how can he change his mood swing within a second before he got angry like a lion now he is doing mischief with her like he is not an angry at all ....