Chereads / Just To Meet You / Chapter 173 - Chase!

Chapter 173 - Chase!

"Dad!" Michael's voice reverberated across the hallway. His movements worked faster than how his brain processed the current situation. The sight of his father kneeling on one knee with his eyes closed infuriated his urge to fight the waiter. Meanwhile, Aaron studied the scene in front of him and determined the person was here to cause trouble.

Swiftly, he partnered up with Michael and turned their moves into deadly ones for their target. Piercing growls and loud bangs echoed like deep wild roars of a fist fight between exotic animals. One huge blow landed to the waiter's ribcage. At the same time, his knife sliced the two people blocking his path. Blood splattered on the floor.

Both sides suffered an equal number of strikes from each other. As they gasped for air, Eric bore a sullen expression. The pepper spray was extremely strong causing a terrible burning sensation to his closed eyes. Tears trailed down his cheeks, yet he didn't dare make a move on the waiter - at least not yet.

Instead, he secretly banged his knuckle against the door to Selina's room. He did this to ensure that they were safe.

Presently, behind the closed door, Rosanna was busy rummaging her purse. Normally, she knew exactly where she put her phone and could easily retrieve it.

"Strange, I remember putting my phone in this pocket. I didn't zip it either. Where did it go?" She poured every item from her purse onto the table surface. Taking the purse in her hand once again, she shook it upside down. Her lipstick, coin purse and keys were all there except for her cellphone!

Her palms laid flat on the cold table and eyes rolled back and forth. It was then that she looked into the mirror and gasped softly. "The only person who could take my phone was the waiter who offered to take my jacket!"

"Huh? Mom, did you say something?" Selina thought she heard her mother whispering something.

"No! You must have heard wrong. Sweetie, mom needs to use the restroom. I'll be right back. I'll keep the door locked from the inside, so nobody could enter. Be careful by yourself, alright?" Rosanna thought of the quickest excuse she could think of to leave the room without raising any suspicions.

"Wait, mom! I need to use the restroom too. Wait for me. I'll be done in a few minutes! Ah-" Selina hissed when she accidentally bumped her elbow against the wall.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Rosanna's brow furrowed.

"I'm alright. I just hit the wall. That's all." Selina rubbed her funny bone and stretched her fingers.

"Selina, where did you put your cellphone? I left mine at home, and I want to contact your father. He must be here by now. I don't want him to worry." She looked through Selina's belongings and failed to find her cellphone. Rosanna paused, bit her lips and realized Selina didn't use her cellphone the entire time they were in the room.

"Ah, that. I forgot to take my cellphone from Jason's pocket. He was helping me hold it when I was putting on my heels earlier." Selina answered.

Right at that moment, Rosanna's attention was diverted by the faint knocks from the other side of the door. Kneeling down, she placed her ears against the burgundy door. She recognized the beat that only her husband and her knew. She knocked back in response and patiently waited for the person's knocks.

Relieved by the pattern of knocks that followed after hers, Rosanna straightened her legs and brushed her knees. A click sounded in her ears as she unlocked the door and opened it. Before she could call out to her husband, her smile froze and eyes squinted from irritation. She covered the bottom half of her face with her palm and minimized the amount of air she breathed in.

She winced at the burning itch caused by the pepper spray that lingered in the air. Recalling the low knocks from earlier, she stole a quick glance at the floor and caught a glimpse of her husband's figure. A tight grip squeezed around her ankles, signaling her where he was located. Quickly, she squatted down to meet Eric's eye level.

He whispered at a tone only they could hear. "Is Selina with you?"

"Yes." She replied, trying her best not to inhale the spiced scent around her.

"Good. Listen to me and close the door. Lock it and wait until we are gone. Remember to get to Jason and stay by his side until me, Michael and Aaron come back. Understand?"

He spoke straight to the point as time was limited for him to explain much. His eyes were starting to water less, and his vision was clearing up. Once he is able to see again, he will join the boys in fighting the waiter. He must take the pen at all cost!

"Yes. Be careful." Though she knew Michael and Aaron were both going to be with him, her pulse still quickened.

"Now, go. Hurry. Don't let Selina come out. Both of you are safer inside the room." He spoke strictly. Only when he heard the sound of the door shutting that he let out a relieved sigh.

"Michael, watch out!" Aaron shouted.

The waiter used the few seconds of distraction to attack Michael. Seeing the sharp point aiming at Michael's abdomen, Aaron pushed him aside and blocked the attack using a kick. That kick sent the knife flying towards the painting on the wall, ruining the masterpiece.

"Shit!" Examining the situation in front of him, the waiter turned the corner of the hallway and rushed to escape. Hurriedly, the three of them followed after him. Knowing an event was going on downstairs, the waiter took the easier way out. He hopped out of the window, landed on the emergency exit stairs and slid his way down the ladder.

"I'll chase him from here. You and dad will corner him from the outside. Go!" Michael jumped out without thinking as he continued hunting the man down.

Downstairs, excitement filled every corner of the room as they waited for Jason to make his speech. It's been twenty minutes past the scheduled time, and many were starting to grow impatient. While some people were having fun greeting other socialites, ladies from prestigious families were thinking of ways to get close to Jason.

In the middle of the crowd, two men could be seen dashing out of the event. From the back view, Jason roughly guessed who they were.