I'm just an average Joe I've got average grades, an average body, average everything, there just isn't anything that stands out about me. Actually the one thing about me that isn't average is my past, my parents were god-awful human beings that would beat me senseless for no real good reason. But my grandparents on the other hand were absolute blessings, whenever I had a nightmare my grandpa would hold me in his arms and gently rock me back and forth while my grandma sang a luliby until I fell back asleep and they would not get mad at me for doing something wrong but instead would just smile at me and gently laugh it off then teach me how to do it correctly. When it came to my schooling my grandma did get upset at me whenever I was doing poorly in a class, but it was always in such a way that was encouraging. Then a few month's later I was playing around by a widow and fell out of the third story of the house, but when I landed I just got up and ran back inside without so much as a bruise to speak of. Now there is middle school, not much happend there just made a few friends one in particular that I remember was Danny he would always follow me around, do what I do, and try to fight me when there was a cute girl watching, I wasn't a fan of girl's at the time so I let him beat me every time. And finally high school you only want to be in high school when you are either younger or older never when you are in it though. The first year was fun I met up with my middle school friends and did alright in my studies but it was halfway through my 11th year that some unforseen events at my grandpa's work unfolded forcing us to move to a different state in a slightly denser city where he would work until he retired. The sudden switch of schools was a shock to me because everyone already had their friend groups and weren't as friendly as the people back home so I was mostly by myself for the rest of the school year.