In a city of lights there was a dark rise ,on that night the dark was going anixous to come out from the earth.Beyond the world there were some people which wanted the people to die and become the king of the world.they thought that there invention is going to make her the king but when the dark maded.the all mis-understanding become clear the dark started to know his place in the deadly hunters of the world.He finish all them and then the nearest city .the advance city los santos was not remain it only become a particle of sand.some remaining people of the world wanted to take revenge.and started to make a force. But they were totally unknown that the devil has already maded a force which protect him from all the enemy's.they all are the powerful inventions of that dark.the dark is going to be test a very most most powerful man. he started a series and named the series''The Last Man Standing".
((Next series is coming soon till bye-bye.))