Magas is face down in the dirt
Civilians:Someone call a plunder hunter now!
Hero:I thought I told you Magas next time I see you I'm killing you
Magas begins to get up
Magas:And I thought I told you,you're not worth my time
Hero:Or maybe I'm just stronger then you,are you scared?
Magas:You must think you're a big shot with Martha's protection
Hero:I earned my rank with my own strength I don't need her protection never have
Sune gets up
Sune:Listen punk I got this move out of the way
Hero:No kid you're injured you should stay down and let a hero handle this
Magas:My beef is with blackband Sune right now not you
The hero looks back at the dirtied Sune
Hero:Sune!!*Star eyes*
Hero:It's me Aelius I probably look different cause of the hair huh
Sune:Aelius,as in my brother Aelius
Aelius:I came here looking for you this makes it easier I'm gonna finish this guy off and then we can talk
Robo:He is gone
Aelius:Alright Magas let's continue from where we,he's gone!
Magas flies off
Sune:Aelius I thought you were with Silvers
Aelius:Not here Sune let's go eat at fish on a stick first
Sune:Yea I could go for seconds.
Lucas on the ground
Robo:I'll bandage everyone up as best as I can.
Sune:Thanks Robo.
Aelius:Where'd you get that.
Sune:Dad made it.
Aelius:Well he was a scientist after all.
Foxxy looks at her wrist with suspicion
-Fish on a stick
Waiter:Here is your fish enjoy(leave me a tip this time)
Lucas:Finally!(Sure of course we will)
Aelius:Um didn't you work with my mom
Lucas:Yea she was my plunder hunter captain
Aelius:Cool did he also work with you guys?
Aelius points at Mas,Mask then shakes his head no,Mask looks at Aelius as if he had seen a ghost
Aelius:You going to eat?
Mask shakes his head no
Sune:He doesn't talk much
Foxxy:I'm Foxxy
Aelius:By any chance is your last name Deerhound?
Foxxy looks kinda surprised
Aelius:I fought a Deerhound a few months ago you looked like her
Foxxy:Must have been my older sister
Aelius:I'm guessing Sune doesn't know
Sune:Know wha...
Foxxy cuts Sune off
Foxxy:Speaking of older how much older are you than Sune
Aelius:*Laughing*Ahhahahaahahaa do I really look older then him
Sune:He is not older than me I'm 16 he's 15!
Foxxy:Sorry he just seemed like the older brother compared
Sune:Uh mean
Lucas:(Oh god I want thirds)
Robo:If I may ask a question why are you here?
Aelius:I'm here to recruit Sune to join Martha's plunder crew
Lucas:As in Martha's plunder top crew in the new generation Martha?
Aelius:Yea she has a spot open and I figured why..
Sune:I'm not interested!
Aelius:What why?
Sune:We have our own plunder crew
Foxxy/Lucas:We do?
Sune:Yea we do!
Aelius:What's it called?
Foxxy:Oh uh it's the Lucas..
Lucas:No the radical...
Sune:It's as that Magas guy said we are the blackbands!
Aelius:Oh cause of the band mom gave you haha
Sune:(Changing the subject)By the way how did you know that Magas guy
Aelius:*Serious*Martha is planing on joining the 10 contaminations and killing a gargoyle or devil would increase our reputation,I was sent here to kill him myself to increase mine along with it
Sune:10 contaminations?
Aelius:You don't know?They are plunder crews who destroy states and own cities
-To be continued