Vol:What's up with you?
Sune moves begins to make weird sounds
Robo:Off the charts sanity is off the charts
Lucas is pinned down by no named hunters
Lucas:What does that mean?
Sune looks up and everyone seeing his real crazy eyes as they turn blood red
Vol:I hunt crazies like you everyday it may increase your power but it doesn't make you a better fighter"Magma fist"
Sune charges at Vol but his movements are weird causing Vol to miss his punch,he jumps up then straight down catching Vol by surprise
Vol:What speed!
Vol uses eruption and magma shoots from his head onto Sune who is blocking,Sune pinwheel kicks Vol on top of his head so his magma shots go everywhere hitting buildings,civilians,and his own team
Random hunter:No,no I want to live it burnsssss!!
Bertelt:What a shame
Bertelt uses true shield which blocks off the flying magma
Vol:You dang traitorous mage
Bertelt:I was merely protecting these fine civilians and hunters from your attack
Vol:Yea what eve...
Sune punches Vol in the jaw then kicks his chest, sending him flying into a civilian,Sune begins to form a weird looking flame that has black stripes
Bertelt:Now thats interesting!
Civilian:Ah you stupid jerk couldn't you have landed somewhere else?
Vol stares at him
Civilian:*Smiling*Did I mention crazy hunters eat at my shop for free
Sune begins to charge and Bertelt walks in
front of him
Bertelt uses true gravity to stop Sune in his tracks
Bertelt:You're fully consumed with rage that you were going to hit the civilian along with Volcanro....thats sad
Bertelt uses grand finisher surrounding Sune in a blue ball then it explodes,Sune passes out from this
Bertelt:Now I've betrayed you Volcanro
Vol:Don't you dare Bertelt I'll kill you if you do
Lucas and Robo are teleported to Bertelt
Bertelt:Bye everyone
Smile appears on top of a building
Smile:Vol smile the grandmage he...well he!
Vol:I know I know!
-To be continued