Chapter 29 - Story Telling

Lavinia held up her beautifully crafted white gold mirror and turned her head slowly in order to absorb every angle of her perfect face. Her skin was pale and completely unblemished, her lips were plump and a pretty shade of pink thanks to the rouge and dye she used daily, her enchanting grey eyes had specks of blue in them - she loved her eyes because she always got compliments on how pretty they were, and her pale blonde hair was let loose down her back in flowy waves, she crowned her head with a dainty yet striking bloodstone tiara. Today she wouldn't make the same mistake as last night, Lady Alice and Lady Riley got all the attention at the ball last night because of Lady Riley's singing and Lady Alice's grand dress. Today she would be the one to stand out, thus she had her maids help her into the blood-red dress that her father had given her for her birthday.

The stones were all extremely rare bloodstones that were only found in the Kingdom of Malesh, from the infamously dangerous Malesian mines. She swooned as she twirled in the mirror and admired her own beauty. This was how she loved to be: completely decked out in riches, a lifestyle that she wanted to maintain, thus she had set her sights on Sinjin Von Esterheim.

He came from the most powerful and wealthiest family in the kingdom, besides the royal family, so she knew that she would never want for anything if she married him. Not to mention that he was part of the knight's order and was very well respected for his mage abilities. When she took her place by his side, she would gain wealth, power and money all in one. It was just a matter of capturing her attention - something she wasn't able to do last night because of the distractions lady Alice and Riley become. With her bloodstone dress, she would be the centre of attention, what she deserved to be, unlike that peasant Lady Riley.

Her fist tightened at the thought of how she had refused to kiss her ring. She had just walked away as if nothing had happened. As if she wasn't even there. Lavinia squeezed her palms so tightly that one of her nails broke through her soft skin.

"Ah!" she cried out as a few beads of blood dripped out of the small wound.

"Here Milady!" called her maid frantically as she handed Lavinia a small cup of a red potion. Lavinia took a sip and swallowed the bitter drink. Her eyes widened as the cut on her hand immediately sealed close.

"What potion is this?" She asked, wondering if her father had managed to create a new healing potion.

"This is the renowned 'Lady Delton' potion, Milady." Replied her maid happily.

Lavinia felt her blood run cold at the thought that she had just drunk that peasant's potion. She immediately turned around and struck her maid in the face with such force that the poor girl fell to the floor, clutching her cheek.

"How dare you!" Lavinia screeched, down at the maid as she was curled up on the floor clutching her face. "You!" She pointed at one of her other maids. "Get her out of my sight!" After the two maids had scurried out of the room fearfully, Lavinia picked up one of the silk cloths on her dressing table and wiped the blood from her nails, from the cut she had caused when she struck the maid's face, after she was satisfied that her nails were clean Lavinia then headed down to the gardens where everyone was told to gather after they had had their breakfast.

Livinia was about to make her big entrance and stun the room when one of her followers/sidekicks approached her.

"Lady Livinia, I need to have a word with..." said Arcadia, her voice was slightly shaky because she was still building up the courage to say what she wanted to say.

"Ugh!" Groaned Lavinia irritatedly. "What is it?" she snarled at her. Being the way that Lavinia was, a bully, she often tried to intimidate the other royal ladies surrounding her to become part of her little clique, or else be targeted by her for the rest of their lives. Arcadia Morgana Brunhild had been one of those girls. Arcadia was an intelligent, soft-spoken and kind girl, and when her family had been promoted to third rank nobles she had been thrilled and excited for her future. However, reality had struck her hard when she had the misfortune to meet Lady livinia Izora Hestia. At first, Livinia had been kind to her and had complimented her on her bright green hair and blue eyes. Arcadia thought that the more experienced second rank lady was taking her under her wing and showing her the ways of society, but she was wrong, what Lavinia was actually doing was sussing out her competition and then making them part of her little clique. After Arcadia was firmly within Lavinia's grasp, she took every opportunity to make Arcadia doubt her self and feel bad by either insulting the poetry she had written or by insulting the clothes she wore, after a year she barely had any confidence in herself left.

But today was the end of that, today Arcadia was going to cut ties with Lavinia. She had had enough.

"Livinia!" she said raising her voice and taking in a deep breath. "We are no longer friends!"

"Excuse me...?" Lavinia couldn't believe her ears. How could Arcadia, a shy third rank noble have the nerve to cut ties with her, a second rank noble...

"You heard me!" she said, this time more sure in herself. "We are no longer friends," she repeated firmly, completely sure that this was the right thing to do. After she had seen Lady Riley stand up to Lavinia the previous day and refuse to kiss her ring, Arcadia had gained courage. She wanted to be brave just like Lady Riley.

Lavinia scoffed nastily at her audacity. "You think you can go on without me now? Oh please!" She spat. "You really think you can make it on your own! How idiotic can you be! Without me you are nothing. You are nobody. Without my help, you wouldn't be where you are now..."

"I would be much further up in society! You have been holding me back and you know it! Finally, I have had enough of your bullying and meanness. From here on out, we are not on good terms." Arcadia announced confidently.

"Meeting me was the best thing that ever happened to you, and how dare you be so ungrateful for all the things I have done for you!" Lavinia was shouting now, enraged at Arcadia. "So whose shoe are you going to go and crawl under now?"

Some of the nobles in the garden were peering in at the racket the two girls were causing and started whispering at what was going on.

"Nobody's." Arcadia felt so exhilarated speaking up to the person she had been afraid of for a year. Her parents would be so proud of her when she told them. "And what's more..."

"What?" Spat Lavinia viciously.

"I think this red dress of yours looks cheap!" Lavinia's eyeballs almost popped out of her skull. She was a teapot that was about to bubble over, but before the hot water could come pouring out, Arcadia humphed and then turned on her heel and walked away briskly.

Yes! I did it! Well done me!

Arcadia then headed into the garden where she saw Lady Riley and Lady Rosalie sitting and chatting on a garden sofa. Arcadia knew Rosalie quite well because Rosalie also used to be part of Lavinia's little clique before she suddenly broke away from them. She remembered that she had seen Rosalie and Lavinia arguing right after the tournament had ended. From that day on Rosalie and Lavinia never spoke again, and Lavinia forbade any of her the clique to ever speak to Rosalie.

"Good morning Lady Rosalie and Lady Riley." Arcadia greeted them nervously. Arcadia was once again stunned by Lady Riley's dark hair and eyes, they were so striking and unusual, she felt like writing a poem about them.

"Arcadia... will Lavinia be alright with you speaking to us?" Rosalie asked concerned for Arcadia, the only girl she had actually liked in Lavinia's group.

"It doesn't matter anymore because I broke off my friendship with her." It even felt good for her to say it.

"I'm happy for you." Rosalie said sincerely and there was a moments pause before Tiley spoke up.

"Huh? What's going on? Is Lavinia running a private all-female gang?" Rosalie and Arcadia giggled happily.

"Lady Riley you are too coarse. A lady should not speak like that." Rosalie corrected trying to hold back a laugh.

Arcadia giggled and hoped that she and Lady Riley would become good friends. Lady Riley had a fresh and authentic spirit about her that made her so lovable - unlike Lavinia who was always pretentious and cruel - Lady Riley seemed like she would be a good friend, a true friend.

Lavinia couldn't wipe the scowl from her face as she entered the party, she couldn't believe what Arcadia had done, she would have to teach her and Lady Riley a lesson. Lady Riley... this was all her fault. She was the reason that Arcadia and Rosalie had left her group, now they were both out in society to steal attention away from her. She seethed on the inside.

She stepped into the garden and seethed even more at the sight of Rosalie, Riley and Arcadia sitting together and chatting.

Thankfully her energy was diverted when she saw Lady Von Esterheim sitting and chatting to Lady Marcellus. She decided that is was the perfect opportunity to make a good impression on her future mother in law, and perhaps discredit Lady Riley in the process.

"Lady Von Esterheim, I hope you are doing well!" Said Lavinia, now poised and ready to make a good impression. "Lady Marcellus." Lavinia curtseyed to the both of them.

Lady Von Esterheim tried not to scowl at the sight of Lavinia, a young Lady who she had summed up to be a power-hungry fool who thought she could slither her way into the Von Esterheim family.

"Lady Lavinia." Lady Von Esterheim nodded coldly. Lavinia was taken aback by her cold greeting, but she shook it off and sat down next to them on the sofa. This time Lady Von Esterheim couldn't hold back her scowl as Lavinia invited herself to sit next to her.

"Lady Von Esterheim what do you think of my dress?" She asked excitedly as she motioned to her bloodstone dress.

"If I'm not mistaken the jewels on the dress are Malesian bloodstone..."


"Hmmm..." Lady Von Esterheim considered as she looked at the red dress. Lavinia's face dropped, this was not the reaction she had been expecting. "The bloodstones on your dress are quite small..." she said reaching out to touch one fo the bright red stones. "The stones on Lady Marcellus's bloodstone dress are at least twice as big as yours..." she said looking very unimpressed by Lavinia's favourite dress.

Lavinia chuckled nervously, not knowing what to say, so she just sat there with them with a fake smile plastered on her face, for a few awkward moments.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable Lady Marcellus broke the silence, "I do quite like Lady Riley's dress."

"I agree, Eleanora. The pale and slate blue match very well with her dark hair." The ladies' eyes looked over at Lady Riley and examined her pale blue dress with the open back.

"Very tasteful isn't it?" Said Lady Marcellus as she looked at Riley, a young lady who she had grown quite fond of, who she now considered a niece.

Lavinia, on the other hand, gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe that they were complimenting Lady Riley, again. She needed to change the subject. She needed to get their attention off of Lady Riley. But how?

"Eleanora, how did the girl come to Gismead? I'm quite curious as to how she suddenly appeared in society, would you be kind enough to tell me since I haven't had the chance to ask Sinjin and Alucard..." Mentioned Lady Von Esterheim.

Lavinia now sprung at the opportunity to discredit Lady Riley in front of the two first rank Ladies.

"I heard that she used to work as a lady of the night down in the common sect..." interjected Lavinia, grinning slyly.

A lady from behind them overheard the conversation and gasped, "She used to be a prostitute!" Lavinia smirked, this rumour would spread around the whole of Gismead and before soon, Lady Riley would be in disrepute and would be cast down from noble society.

"What nonsense are you spouting Lavinia?!" Eleanora said outraged. Lavinia jumped, she had never seen Lady Marcellus upset, let alone angry. Lady Marcellus's copper eyes were furious, she felt like slapping the girl for telling such a tale.

"It's not true then, Lady Marcellus?" Asked the noble lady from behind them who had overheard the conversation.

"Absolutely not!" Eleanora replied firmly.

"W-we-well... I-it was just a rumour I h-heard." Said Lavinia trying to make up an excuse for the lie she had just told.

"Well, I would hope that a Lady of your calibre would not go around spreading false rumours!" Said Lady Marcellus sharply.

"Yes Milady, please forgive me." Said Lavinia wide-eyed, everything was going wrong for her today.

"Do you know how she came to Gismead, Eleanora?" Asked Lady Von Esterheim curiously.

"Certainly." Eleanora smiled, her usual happy self restored. "It is truly a beautiful story..." she said, taking her silk cloth up to her face and dabbing her eyes dramatically.

"It really is quite the story." Interjected Alice as she came to sit next to her mother. Quite a few other nobles who had overheard the conversation came closer, all eager to find out how the mysterious Lady Riley had come to Gismead.

"Please tell us, Lady Marcellus!" Pleaded a group of younger ladies as they all huddled around Lady Marcellus. Many other Lords and Ladies placed themselves within listening range so that they could hear the story as well. Lavinia stared off into the distance and wondered how everything had gone so horribly wrong.

"Let me begin then..." she said, feeling ready to tell the story in the most dramatic and elevated way possible.

"Just a few weeks ago, she suddenly awoke alone, cold and afraid, deep in the forest next to Willow's Town, a town on the borders of Girannon. The poor girl had no memories of her life: she did not know who her family was, she did not know where she came from, she didn't even know how she got into the forest. The only thing she knew was that her name was Riley Delton, and the only thing she had on her person was an artefact. Can you imagine... being completely alone in an entire forest..." her voice quivered at the thought of Lady Riley being all by herself and completely alone in the forest.

"Unbelievable..." sighed one of the ladies listening to the story.

"That poor Lady..." sighed one of the lords, completely absorbed into the story.

"For long hours she wandered the forest aimlessly, searching for a way out! Searching for somebody to help her!" Lucian who was also listening to the retelling of the story arched his eyebrow at the rather dramatic version of events portrayed by Lady Marcellus. "Then! Deep in the shrub of the forest, she saw a handsome young man, on the brink of death lying helplessly in the forest floor!"

The crowd gasped and whispered at the twist in the story.

"Come Milady, don't leave us in such suspense! What happened next?" Called out one of the soldiers of the Knight's Order.

"Frantically she ran to the young man who was lying almost dead on the forest floor. She was panicked! She didn't know what to do! She had no memories of magic! But if she did not help the young man before her, he would die!" She cried out, she too was fully absorbed into the story.

"And then what?" Cried our an eager listener.

"Suddenly power flowed through her, not from a spell she had cast or any kind of incantation, the magic simply flowed from her strong desire and want to help the young man who lay half-dead before her.... she somehow managed to access a powerful well of healing magic deep within her that allowed her to heal the man before her in a matter of moments!"

"My word!"

"Good heavens!"


Even Lord Gawain, who prided himself on being stoic and distant, almost gasped at the retelling of the story.

"The young man had been awestruck by the powerful and beautiful young lady who had healed him. However, being a clever young man, he realized that he would not be able to pay her back for healing him."

"Indeed, the price of healing magic is quite high..." said one of the young ladies, quite concerned.

"Sadly, he told her that he would not have enough money to pay her. And do you know what she said in response?"


"What did she say?"

"She said that the only payment she wanted from him, was for him to be her friend..." a real tear slid down Eleanora's face that she dabbed up with her copper silk cloth, and sighed dramatically at the storey she had told. She really thought that a Nobel should be written about lady Riley's life.

Everybody was in awe of the story so far.

"What a kind and generous Lady she is to not require payment for her services." Commented Lady Von Esterheim.

"Truly she is a compassionate soul." Commented Lady Marcellus.

Lady Gwyneth Smithson (Lord Gawain and Lord Braxton's Mother) Said, "What a virtuous and accomplished young lady."

"She must be extremely powerful to be able to heal somebody in a few moments." Commented Lord Gawain.

"It almost seems impossible..." Lavinia interjected. "I mean how is it possible to heal somebody in a few moments, and then do not charge anything... it seems like a tall tale." She snickered, feeling very resentful about how everybody was complimenting Lady Riley.

The crowd sobered up from the storytelling trip and began to doubt what they had just heard.

"Ah! But let us not forget there is a person who can corroborate this story..." hinted Eleanora gleefully.

"Who can?" Asked Lavinia abruptly, irritated.

"Why the young man she saved that day of course..." she said her eyes drifting over to Lucian.

"Is that young man here?" Livinia asked, her eyes wide and shock-filled.

"Indeed he is, that man was once a peasant but is now a third rank noble and part of the Knights Order!"

"Who on Arteria could it be?!"

"His name is..." she dragged it out for suspense. The crowd leaned in, desperate to hear the name.

"Lucian Briar." Immediately all their heads whipped around to look at Lucian. Once more they were all acquainted with his gorgeous bright blue eyes and light brown hair.

"Is it true Lucian?" Asked the twin knights Horace and Hammon Romulus, who had become good friends of Lucian's.

"Yes, everything Lady Marcellus has said is true." He confirmed.

"How amazing... It sounds like a fairy story..." Said Georgiana Von Jesselheim, a second rank noble who had brilliant bright purple eyes and lavender coloured hair. "How romantic..." she said as her eyes dazzled and she clutched her hands together. "But then how did the two of you come to Gismead?" She asked eagerly, realizing that there was more of the story to be told.

"Lucian, perhaps you should tell the rest of the story..." Said Lady Marcellus, who decided she needed to cool down after the passion of the first story.

Lucian nodded formally to her, accepting her request. The crowd then turned to face Lucian as he began to tell the rest of the story.

"After she healed me, we went back to my home in Willow's Town, there we pledged to be friends forever."

Lady Georgiana swooned, "How romantic..." she sighed. The ladies surrounding her giggled.

"It was very obvious that she had amnesia because she had to be taught about the value of money, and she had no idea how societal hierarchy worked. My mother and I taught her as much about this world as possible. I also had her do a magical aptitude test with gemstones, and it turned out that she was a triple user like myself." Lucian purposefully left out that the could use all the types of magic, he feared that she would become the object of many greedy nobles if he told them the truth.

"A woman triple user. How rare." Said Horace quite impressed.

"Very unusual!" Hammon agreed with his brother.

"Because I was recruited by the knight's Order I was going to leave with the First Fraction of knights who were scheduled to come and fetch me from WIllow's town the following day.

"Oh no! You and Lady Riley would be separated!" Georgiana cried out in despair.

"Hush Georgiana, don't interrupt the Lord." her mother chided her gently

"When the knights came the next day, Lord Cornelius was badly injured by a demonic wolf attack after throwing himself in front of the Second Kristopher, to block him from the demonic wolf."

"What a brave knight! What an upstanding knight!" Cheered Lord Umfrey Marcellus and patted his son on the back proudly.

"The knights all rushed into the town hoping to find a healer to heal Lord Cornelius's wounds..."

Georgiana was overtaken by passion and couldn't help but interrupt as she excitedly exclaimed, "And then lady Riley healed him! Am I right?" Her purple eyes sparkled.

"Yes. Milady you are correct." Replied Lucian respectfully at the young girl. Georgiana's mother only petted her daughters head, coming to terms with the fact that there would be no calming her down.

"After she healed the Second prince Kristopher, it was decided that she would come along with us to Gismead. Then she was taken in by the Marcellus's and because of her extraordinary ability became part of the Mage society and competed in the Mage tournament, where she came in the first place and became a noble of the third rank."

"Yes! that's right!" Georgiana interrupted again. "Mother don't you remember, Lady Riley was the one who cast the water dragon!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my, she is quite impressive!" Said Georgiana's mother, remembering the awesome water dragon she had seen that day.

"Recently she has taken up the practice of Alchemy and managed to create the Delton healing potion, which is widely sold across Girannon and our neighbouring Kingdoms. She has even gone into business with the royal family," said Lucian.

"She is truly wonderful!" Cried, Lady Georgiana.

"What an extraordinary woman." commented one of the nobles.

Lady Von Esterheim had sat on the sofa and heard the entire story. She had summed up Lady Riley to be an intelligent, brave, kind and gifted young lady. Definitely a girl who would be able to climb her way up the social ladder gracefully unlike Lavinia. Lady Von Esterheim had no doubt that Lady Riley would be promoted to a lady of the Second rank one day soon, and when that happened she would be a perfect match for one of her sons. Lady Riley would definitely make a good daughter-in-law for her.

"Going into business with the Royal family! That can't be true!" Lavinia had been boiling with rage as she had to listen to all the nobles compliment Lady Riley if she heard anything else she was going to throw up. Now this nonsense about working with the royal family. It just ha to be a lie. Lavinia's father was the best and most renowned healer in Gismead and he had once had a business proposition he presented to the Royal family, however they had turned him down. Therefore it couldn't be possible that Lady Riley had secured a deal with the Royal family.

"It is true." Corrected a low yet clear and defined voice from behind them. They all turned to see The first Prince, Geoffrey, and the Second Prince, Kristopher, standing behind them.

"Your highnesses." Everyone immediately got up and curtseyed to them. The two princes had an ethereal glow to them, their golden hair radiated energy and brilliance in the sunlight and their eyes glowed with a regal ferocious glow. Especially Geoffrey's eyes. They were like the jewels of the Kingdom, but they barely spoke to anyone besides the First ranked nobles, so it was shocking for the second and third rank nobles to hear them speak up to such a variety of nobles.

"Please take your seats." said prince Geoffrey seeing that they were all still standing.

Lavinia as completely gobsmacked. She had no thoughts or words. she simply stared at the two princes.

As Riley was talking with Rosalie and Arcadia she felt her sixth sense kick in; she could feel eyes on the back of her head, so she turned around to take a look. Her eyes widened with surprise as she saw at last thirty people were staring back at her. What was even weirder is that they were all smiling at her, it was actually quite creepy, she felt like she was about to get a text from God's office telling her that the gods were actually playing a prank on her the whole time and they had actually sent her to some sick twisted horror movie world where she gets eaten by the smiling-canibal-nobles.

She awkwardly smiled and bowed her head back at them and then turned around and continued to talk to Rosalie and Arcadia.