As Hickory arrived at school so did the person who she would grow to hate over the semester, Cole Black, a prestigious and ungrateful delinquent who just happened to be the rich principles son and school alpha. Hickory hadn't noticed him until lunch were she saw this spoilt brat of an alpha, picking on the smart and unpopular kids. Hickory, who hadn't had an school alpha before so the events which followed definitely suprised the big headed, popular boy. Hickory had rushed in and taken the hit for the small nerd which was named Megan Heart and sat two rows Infront of her in English 101 after Hickory took the punch to the cheek instead of Megan she began to tear into bad boy Cole with all her might and this was when he made his first wrong move of the semester and it was also strangely when he decided to make her his personal mission for the school year, to make her his.