Chapter 2 - a crash volt

the ship just flew past Mars as everyone was asleep during there sleep there ship detected a big surge of ki heading there way sending an alarm but they didn't react in time with the ship crashing on Earth.

trunks and Goten were waving bye to each other as the ship crashed in the forest getting there attention and Vegetas "come on let's see what hit, maybe a meteor rock?!" trunks said flying off "w-wait up" Goten said following as Vegeta watch and soon followed as bulma ran out "Vegeta what just-" she saw all three heading to where the ship crash and Bulma followed on a hover bike. trunks and Goten made it to the ship "woah space ship!" Goten said running in "Goten wait up!" trunks ran after him as vegata land looking at the ship and spoke to himself "this is one of frezia's ships, but why here and how and why it crash?!" Vegeta stood there thinking as Goten and trunks looked around and was scared from a noise trunks said "i-i wasn't scared" "y-yeah right" Goten said they moved to it as there was a lady holding something in her arms and she didn't look so good as Goten said "oh my, hold on ma'am we'll get help, trunks stay here I'll get your dad!" he ran out as the lady said "just...leave me, and take her" "who?" trunks said as the lady drop her arm showing a baby crying as there was blood on her leaving trunks in shocked.