The principal walked in and started watching. Shinaya and Shinzo were hitting the ball back and forth when eventually,Shinaya hit the ball so hard that it hit the principal in the face! There was only one way to explain this. Shinzo and Shinaya weren't getting along! The principal quickly left the room."Hey,I suggest you don't make Tena mad.",Tsheli said to Shinaya and Shinzo. Even though Tena wasn't the one hit,he was angry."LISTEN,IF YOU TWO AREN'T GOING TO GET ALONG,THEN I HAVE A GOOD MIND TO KICK YOU NUTS OUT OF THE SCHOOL!",Tena yelled.Days passed and it happened. He punishment was reduced to being kicked out of the gym for 2 days,but Tena wasn't happy with that. As Shinaya and Shinzo were about to walk into the gym,Tena pushed them out!"YOU TWO CANNOT COME IN HERE UNTIL YOU TWO LEARN TO GET ALONG!",Tena yelled as he shut the doors. Tears were already filling in Shinaya's eyes."Oh stop crying you big baby!",Shinzo said to him. Shinaya wanted to punch Shinzo in the stomach. Shinaya figured he wanted to learn more about Shinzo,mainly to break the silence."So,how tall are you?",Shinaya said."Don't even talk to me!",Shinzo yelled with a frown on his face.
........"6'0.",Shinzo then muttered. Shinaya figured that Shinzo didn't like the silence too."5'4",Shinaya said."Wow,you're short as hell.",Shinzo then said."SCREW YOU!",Shinaya replied. They sat there in silence."Wait!",Shinzo yelled as an idea popped up in his head."We'll challenge them to a game!",Shinzo then said."If we win,we can use the gym again!"
"THATS A HORRIBLE IDEA!!",Shinaya yelled."LETS JUST TRY IT YOU TOMATO TOP!!",Shinzo said."WHY DON'T YOU EVER TRY ADAPTING TO SOMEONE ELSES IDEAS???!!",Shinaya yelled. But it was too late. Shinzo was already walking towards the door....3...2...1!!!