It was hard to force myself to rest, but I knew my body needed time to sufficiently recover. The first day and night passed with no activity other than a guard trying to slip in food without getting bit or something. I wanted to keep him on his toes and know who he and whoever's around is dealing with. At the beginning of sunset on the second day, Master Hunter silently appeared at the inner door. His dark eyes bored into mine as I stared blankly at him, waiting for any motion. None came except his leaving after a few moments.
This continued on for the following week. Same time, same place. I wondered what his purpose was. To intimidate me? If so it wasn't working very well. By the end of the second week, I was able to begin re-strengthening my body. The next morning five guards appeared and dragged me out by the chain attached to my waist cuff. No warning, no reason. They locked my in another room not far down the hall. This one had no windows. Darkness.
I waited with strained ears for what I felt to be an hour or two. Bright midday light blinded me as I was led back to my accommodations. I then realized why the took me away for a time. In the far right corner was several bars bound together and fastened to the wall. It looked like something I could exercise on. Did someone take note of what I had been doing yesterday? Did the Master order all this? Why? I turned my face to a scowl as they chained me back. This was not about to appease anything he's done. If anything I'll train to have a chance against him some day.