Chapter 35 - Rest

Shortly after the zombie invasion ended, the wizard king made a public speech announcing that the attackers were part of a terrorist group and that the magic knights would take precautions to ensure that such an invasion never happened again.



Sitting cross legged on his bed, Grim's body was coated in a soft green glow as he did his best to get a feel of using wind magic. Despite also gaining breath of the flower magic, Grim didn't want to divide his attention too much so chose to focus on gaining a deep understanding of Breath of wind before moving on.

*Knock* *Knock*

Disturbed by the sound, Grim's eyes flashed open as his attention shifted to his door.

"Come in."

Opening the door, Asta walked in.

"Yo." He waved. "The wizard king's asking to see us."

Frowning slightly, Grim nodded and stood up.

"Lets no keep him waiting."


Meeting up with Noelle and Charmy, Grim and Asta headed to the magic knight headquaters.

"Why are you here Charmy?"

*Munch* *Munch*

Swallowing the food in her mouth, Charmy wiped away the crumbs on her face. "Dunno." She shrugged before handing him a bun.


"Can I have one too?!!" Asta asked after seeing Grim snack on it.

"Me too!" Noelle jumped in.

"Sure, sure, food for everyone!!" Charmy laughed as she handed out two more buns.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

Walking down the street and eating their buns in a synchronized fashion, the quartet caught the attention of Yuno and his group who were on the other side from them.

"Hey look! Its Grim and the others!" Mimosa said after spotting them.

"Hmm?" Yuno and Klaus looked over and saw them.

"Hey Grim!!" Mimosa yelled catching their attention.

"Huh?" Hearing her voice, Grim looked around confused before seeing them. "Its you guys."

"How are your wounds?!!" Mimosa asked.

"They're healed."

'Didn't she already know that after healing me?'

"That's good." She smiled sweetly.

"Hey Yuno!!" Asta suddenly shouted. "I heard you defeated one of assailants all by yourself!"

'Yuno did that?'

Remembering the large spike of magic power he felt back then, Grim finally equated that moment to Yuno's figure.

'He's gotten that much stronger since the dungeon incident...'

Recalling Yuno's figure in the dungeon, it was hard to believe that he was the caused of such a powerful magic spike in such a short amount of time. But if what Asta was saying was true, then that meant that Yuno was improving at a rate that was close to him.

Not wanting anyone to surpass him in power, Grim silently vowed to train harder when he got back.

"Hey!! Don't ignore me!!" Asta yelled after seeing Yuno not respond.

Sighing lightly, Yuno opened up his grimoire.

[Wind Creation Magic: Swift White Hawk]

Manifesting a hawk-like bird composed of wind streams, Yuno silently ordered it to attack.



Feeling his eyes widen, Grim was silently shocked by the amount of power he could feel from the hawk. Compared to Yuno's attack power against Mars's crystal clones, the current him was on a whole other level.

Pulling out his great sword, Asta didn't waste any time as he stabbed the hwind hawk through the forehead and dispelled the magic.


Looking down at his hands, a couple of questions flashed through Yuno's mind.

"I might have put in a bit too much power..."

Standing besides, even Klaus couldn't believe the rise in Yuno's attack power.

'What the hell happened to him in this short amount of time?'


After finishing their business at the magic knight headquarters, the quartet returned back to the base and were surprised to see Luck and Magna waiting for them.

"Yo." Magna waved and tried to act cool.

"GRIM!!" Luck cheered and jumped over to his side. "Hey, hey!! Everyone's acting weird. What happened while we were away?!"

"Not much, I fought a couple of nobles, almost got killed by a captain, the town got attacked by an army of zombies, a terrorist organisation wants to destroy the Clover kingdom, captain Fuegoleon lost his right arm, Asta got kidnapped, the wizard king is actually really powerful, Noelle's siblings are probably gonna try and kill me in the dark and me, Asta and Noelle were promoted to lower class rank 3 magic knights. Oh, and dinner will be ready a bit earlier today."

[A/n: That one day when you miss school.]

"WHATT!!!" Magna's jaw hit the floor.

"Woah seriously!!" Luck exclaimed.

"Yeah." Grim nodded. "It was actually pretty boring, the zombie couldn't use magic and the boss could only use one spell."

"What about the nobles? That must have been fun right?!"

"Not really, besides having a lot of mana they weren't anything special."

"Oh... That sounds boring..."

*Sigh* "It was..."

Seeing the sombre atmosphere around them, Noelle and the rest didn't know how to react.

"...Wanna go fight?" Luck suddenly asked.



[Breath of Mist: 2nd Form - Eight-Layered Mist]

Slashing his sword eight times in quick succession, 8 arcs of mist crossed the distance to cut Luck.

Activating his [Thunder God's Boots] and [Thunder God's Gloves], Luck zig zagged past the mist attacks and flashed forward appearing at Grim's side within seconds.

'Fast as ever.'

Unable to hide his smile, Luck clenched his lightning covered hand into a fist as he swung it forward with no regards for the amount of power in his attack.

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, Grim dropped to the floor dodging the attack. Switching the Breath of Thunder, he took advantage of the fact that Luck was so close to him to activate Thunder Swarm.

Seeing through his intentions, Luck jumped high into the air evading the spinning wave of lightning that would have probably ended the fight.


'He saw through my actions...'

Looking down at him from the air, Luck gathered his mana into his hands as he prepared his next spell.

[Lightning Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb]





Seeing the multiple orbs of lightning desending upon him, the smile that Grim had been hiding this entire time couldn't be held back any longer as a green glow appeared on his body.

[Breath of Wind]

Frowning at the new colour on Grim's body, Luck fired off even more lightning orbs.

Feeling a sense of weightlessness on his body, Grim's sight cut past the lightning orbs and his eyes met with Luck's.

[1st Form - Dust Whirlwind Cutter]

Gathering all the wind magic around him, the light green aura on his body became faint as it started swirling around his person immitating the actions of wind. Crouching down slightly he started generating more wind around his body before jumping with all his strength.



Surrounded by a cyclone of wind, Grim shot through the air at an astounding speed as the wind surrounding his body acted like blades and cut the approaching lightning orbs into pieces.


"Ha...Hahahahahahahaha!! That's so COOL!!" Luck laughed as he watched the cyclone with Grim in the middle of it approaching him.

Having read what the spell did but never trying it, Grim was pleasantly surprised by its effect. While he wasn't flying per-se, standing inside the cyclone while in the air sure made it feel like he was. Surrounded by high speed rotating winds, Grim moved through the air like a snake closing in on Luck.

Laughing madly, Luck gathered an even larger portion of his mana on his hand to form a single, powerful orb of lightning.

Holding his arm steady with his left hand, he aimed it at the approaching Grim.

"Bang." He grinned.


Releasing a sound that resembled that of a thunderclap, the orb of lightning flashed through the air at an absurd speed that Grim's eyes couldn't follow.

Relying purely on his instincts alone, Grim let the cyclone go free and without his control, the cyclone started acting like a normal cyclone. Falling through the tail end, Grim watched as the lightning orb and the cyclone clashed causing the sound of thunder to echo out as a powerful discharge of lightning and wind from their attacks flashed across the sky and descended upon the earth.

'Oh shit...'




Re-activating breath of wind, Grim took advantage of his lighter weight to use smaller versions of [Dust Whirlwind Cutter] to push himself out of the way of the descending lightning.




'Yami is not going to be happy.'

Looking down at the ground, Grim noticed that the courtyard was scarred by the descending lightning and the sharp cuts from the wind slashes.

"Hey Grim!! That was awesome!!" Luck yelled also falling from the sky with a smile on his face.


So this couldn't all fit into the author comment so I'm just gonna write it all here.

Small rant: So... I just went through all the bad reviews this fic has gotten (For some reason they're the most upvoted) and I can see a clear pattern.

1st: A large majority of the people who have complained say that Grim isn't acting like someone who lived 16 previous lives because he didn't outright fight Yami when he was coerced into joining the Black Bulls.

From this I can tell that they clearly didn't understand the first two chapters which is beyond me considering how much emphasis I put on him having partial memories of his 12th life and his core memories only include him knowing that he's a reincarnator and that this life is a vacation. And the MC is brash not stupid. If Yami can make an entire arena of people sweat with his magic power alone, why would Grim at this point who only has 2 breath styles and 2-3 overall spells fight him? His chances of winning are zero! At least when he faced Nozel he had more breath styles and spells in his arsenal.

2nd: I don't get why people thought the MC was nerfed? I mean out of the three wishes he wanted, he got the two most useful (Magic type) (Elven blood), yeah he didn't get the appearance he wanted but it literally has no bearing on the story. And if the complaint is that god gave him a weak body, they obviously didn't take notice of how he trained to overcome that weakness. And Breath of the Beast fixes that problem in seconds so its not a true nerf. And speaking of nerfs, Asta has no fucking magic what so ever and I don't see anyone calling him weak. Its like they conviently seemed to forget this fact.

3rd: What is with them complaining about Grim having a 3 leaf grimoire? Like I get that they wanted him to have a 4 leaf and all but don't they realize that the powerhouse characters in this series have 3 leaf grimoires? All the captains, the witch queen, Luck, Charmy, Vanessa and every other black bull who's worth a damn. Hell! Even the Golden Dawn (Best squad in the kingdom) all their members have 3 leaves. (A 3 leafed Yami would bitch slap the 4 leaf Yuno no diff) And with all of Grim's current perks like his Demon Slaying magic that allows him to use more than one magic type (Something the diamond kingdom is struggling to do) and his Elven blood that grants him large mana reserves that surpass every other human in the clover kingdom, not to mention the amps he'll get in the future, I don't see the problem with him having a 3 leaf grimoire.

4th and final: The trend I see the most from the negative reviews is the fact that none of them got to chp 11 before they started complain. Like I've said previously, chp 1-10 were the prologue so that everyone got a feel of Grim's personality, how he fights and how his magic works. Chp 11 is where Grim's journey truly starts. (Holy shit, this reminds me of the time people called the black clover anime trash because of Asta's early stage screaming... It was bad, but look at the anime now, nothing but praises. The only thing that would make it better would be if they had another studio other than Perriot animating it. Like seriously, put Boruto on the back burner and give Black Clover some love.)

Realized I was starting getting off topic so lets wrap this up.

Sorry for the rant... I just think of how many other authours don't get the publicity they deserve and quit writing due to people seeing these upvoted reviews and thinking that the people who wrote them actually know what they're talking about. Like one of the most upvoted reviews said the mc lived 13 lives... Chapter 2 is called reincarnation 17...

I'm not saying that everyone should go read like 20 chps of a shit novel just to whether it gets good or not, considering this is web novel that's probably not the case. But I do feel like we've lost a couple of gems due to these type of reviews.

I honestly got lucky in all of this, due to my MHA fic being so popular. If it weren't for the fact that people knew my writing style and believed in my ability to tell a story, I'm sure that this novel wouldn't be as popular as it is now (Like holy shit! Somehow this is the most popular Black Clover fic on the site for now.) (Well at one point my MHA fic was in the same status but that's declined as I've started giving this novel more attention... Oh well.)

Anyway, sorry for wasting your time writing this, just speaking/writing my mind, feel free to ignore it.

Oh! And shout out to the Rant Cafe's (Nux Taku, Anime Uproar and All Day Anime) isekai novel which I just found on Webnovel, "That Time I Got Isekai'd To Another World With My Truck!!"