Immediately the Mei family got home both Rong and Jiaying hurriedly went upstairs to check in on Lijuan. They very much suspected the early departure of the brothers had something to do with her.
Rong flung open the door to Lijuan's room and heard Jiaying's gasp of surprise when they found the bed empty. She hated that she had been right. She really hated that her twat of a sister kept interfering with her plans.
Now where was she? Where had she gone to or what had she done to have made both brothers leave the party without a moment's delay.
Rong stormed downstairs to the sleeping quarter of the maids with Jiaying in tow. She knocked on their door rudely until they were roused from sleep.
"First Senior Mistress. What is wro.." The chief househelp asked with a frown.
"Where is Lijuan?" Rong cut in without letting her complete her sentence.
"The Second Senior Mistress?" She asked.