Mark's POV:
After hearing the speech of a chubby girl, I looked at Anna. She is feeling nervous when the Chubby girl announced Anna's name. I tap on her back to make her calm down. Later, she announced Mona's name as well.
I understand Mona takes a stand for Anna but I want to know who humiliates Anna.
I looked at Mona and ask, "Who's she?"
Mona: "It's Genie, Mark.."
(Meanwhile, Anna tried to stop Mona to don't tell.)
Mona: "Wait, Anna, Mark should know because she is his P.A. So he needs to know about her..."
And Mona turned to me and said everything. I looked at Anna, but Anna is looking into her hands and she is not interested to discuss about Genie's topic.
Mark: "Anna, does Genie is the reason for your decision to not come to the party?"
(Anna didn't respond to my question. Meanwhile, Host interrupted again..)
Host: Well.. Well..