Anna's POV:
Mona: Don't worry, Anna, we will sort it out soon...
Anna: I am scared for the future consequences, Mona...
Why they are after you?
Maybe it's just because I am close to all of you and I know John wants to take away my happiness that's the reason he is targeting everyone who is close to me and appointed a professional killer to kill you.
Mona: Anna, it's not because of you, and maybe the attack is not planned by John and there always be a chance that the attack is from Tom's side too...
Anna: Tom?
Mona: Yes, I already told you that these kinds of incidents happened in my past life and Tom's criminals always threaten me to take revenge on Tom but every time Tom saved me no matter what…
Anna: How mean they are?
If they want to take revenge on Tom, they have to fight face to face with Tom but not by attacking you indirectly...
Mona: They are criminals Anna, they don't follow ethics...
Anna: hmmmmm...