In school it's very hard to get by if ur not either a jock, cheerleader, or popular because the jocks and them will torment you until you are nothing left. Welcome to my life.
Yea yea I know, i could be popular if i make friends and I could be a jock if I played sports but I didnt want to.
Again I know that it could stop my torment and i know I would walk home a little happier but if your a guy like me, you just dont want to have to do that to not be tortured.
I know I could go to the principal or a teacher about it but the one rule that you learn right off the bat in school is that. the teachers. make. it. worse.
Not just morally, but physically too. once you tell the teachers you instantly become the school snitch. Being the school snitch is worse then being tormented. once your the school snitch nobody will trust you, not even your friends.
The saddest part about it is that once you become the snitch your always the snitch no matter how long it is. even your friend who's known you since you were 3 would walk away from you.
How do I know this? because it all happened to me.