Today I'm going on a mission and I will go alone, They want to see if I can handle working alone. But I think they wan to get rid of me As I walked out sied a boy came out of the shadows and grabbed me and I got scared the boy laugh at me and said to me you get scared when I grabbed your shoulder but not about being attacked or even being in a battle your one weird girl. I roll my eyes and say what do you want, the boy looked at me and said I want to help you but it seems that you don't need it, I looked him in the eyes and say I have to show them that I can handle anything they throw at me. The boy looked at me and said that he will help me but I can't tell anyone about him helping me. All I have to do is call his name then I ask him what is your name? He said his name is, Nick. Then he vanishes into the shadows.