Reaching the same place as yesterday, some of the students had started to tremble subconsciously. Well, it was to be expected considering what had conspired. The familiar humming of the ventilation magic catalysts echoed through the area, slowing the perspiration of the visiting students with cool temperature. There was obvious hesitation when the gate had opened and the teacher nonchalantly stepped through.
Releasing a sigh out of pity, I stepped through the gate and awaited the rest on the other side. Similar to before, the feeling of breaking the water surface tension enveloped my mind as I was basically spit out on the other side. Due to the unstable nature of this revolutionary magic tool, there was a slight rejection in the process and people who enter and exit the portal will be assaulted with a miniature sense of repulsion. It wasn't enough force to shoot whole humans forward or even trip them, however it produces the illusion of diving into deep water when entering the portal.
Some people who were afraid of swimming were shown that they would also fear entering the portal, though a larger portion of people thought of them as 2 different things and did not mind. Regardless, there was a very slight correlation that could be easily overcome. There was a similar situation happening in class 3.
Vigorous trembling shook the fickle hearts of the students as they were making a decision to enter the portal or not. What was different about this occurrence was the association. Instead of correlating the portal with diving into water, what layed in their hearts was quite obvious. It ran their hearts ragged and shivering. The faint possibility... , even if an arbitrary law made an exception on application, even if the law forced the status of innocence on a suspect, the students could never abandon the possibility that someone will get murdered again.
That possibility, was what tormented their consciousness. The most natural human instinct. The instinct of survival, or self-preservation. To abandon that instinct, become selfless and sacrificing oneself for others. It's something so rare by society's standards that it gets praised. But to differentiate selflessness and arrogance was too hard for a child. What could only be described as awe flooded the shared fear and anxiety of the students as they watch the brave side of their peers step into the portal.
Regardless of this fact, selflessness or arrogance, their reaction would remain the same.
On the other side, Sakase was the first to step in after Lilith. Maybe it was his pride as a noble that produced a pressure akin to peer pressure when he thought of how he couldn't rely on others and should be the one relied upon. Similar as before, the same question was produced. Was it arrogance? Or selflessness? For Sakase it was a mix of both, however a resolve unfit for a child his age had already resided in his heart.
Being from a mere branch of his "great" family, his family's expectations of him were naturally lower. A strange complex was bored from his inner turmoil and dissatisfaction with his current conditions. A "change", that would be the simplest way to describe his desire. He wanted to fix everyone's view of him, to go beyond and garner the respect of others.
That was why, a fierce desire had burned in his heart before the portal. "Go forward. Break through if you have to. Most importantly, 'move forward' ". His irises shook as a fierce expression wrapped his face like a mask. "I will never stop fighting." Such a message was conveyed beautifully to his surroundings as his mana rampaged and cause a strong gust of wind to flow upwards from his feet.
A similar situation was occurring with Valern. However the moment Sakase stepped foot, his mind blanked and a smile crept on his cheeks. A determined look surfaces with his eye brows pointing down diagonally towards his nose, a look usually fit for an angry expression betrayed by his smile. At least that was what it looked like to him. The small gust blown by Sakase had shook his spiked pink shoulder hair length, fluttering around as if one could see sparkles and halation in the air. Before he stepped into the portal.
Again, one needed to remind themselves that this individual was a male noble and not an elegant female student.
Kurime was the third, followed by Daverl Rupard, the supposed strongest first year before Lilith's incident. Mixed emotions fill them as one by one, they slowly step through. It took a whole 15 minutes for the whole class to get through. Containing a serious expression, Kuraver sensei waited patiently for the students to come in. No... It was more odd for them to come in. If they were normal they would have stayed outside where there was less danger. The school had sensors in classrooms that could tell if mana was used. Only individuals of an abnormal speed could kill without being seen.
With what he had seen, he couldn't really tell if Lilith and the other entity were one in the same. A large indicator was how Lilith gave up in the middle of their fight, in that instance they were completely different beings. The other specifically could defeat Kuraver in an instant without much effort. Even then, there was still fear in everyone's eyes. So he had to take the bite due to his role as a reliable adult and ask once more. The Queen's decree only worked for that one instance, it was now legal to arrest anyone if they broke the law. Such authority has been granted to the teachers of this highly-esteemed magic institution. Taking a deep breath, he inquired one finale time.
"Did you kill Ran? " (Kuraver)
"No. But I can't exactly let go of everyone now, can I? "
"Wha-what so you mean?!" (Kuraver)
"I mean some other student here is the culprit. I was framed. Seeking revenge is the natural response, is it not?"
"Are you... Going to get blood on your hands." (Kuraver)
" I have to. If I let them go, our days will no longer be peaceful. How long do you think the sanity of these students can last? I was expecting them to stay behind, the fact they entered showed that they're losing their edge."
"Do you have a plan?" (Kuraver)
"Unfortunately no... But this is my only lead. Use your territory skill and place a taunt effect on me. Would that be possible? "
"... Are you sure." (Kuraver)
"You're the only one I can trust other than Cress. Even near death I could see it, your determination to protect your students."
"I could just be reassured that my revival item would save me. If not for the Queen's decree and you didn't receive emergency aid, you would have died of blood lost." (Kuraver)
"A skilled assassin would have applied anti-revival catalysts. I could see a tinge of fear as well. My only conclusion was that you are a normal person, a bystander. But now I need to fight." I have to fight.
Radiating out [demonic energy] to form a radar, I began my search.