Due to their bloodlines, nobles generally have an absurdly higher chance to get tier-A classes than commoners. Was the Vadim house, a family of assassins? I would never find out.
Walking along the school grounds, student's were on their daily commute to their classrooms along the pathways that seperate the buildings and other facilities apart. A bell resounds throughout the school, signifying the start of class. Some teachers could be seen going into the buildings late. Hmm~, I should probably go talk to one of them about my situation.
Just as that thought went by, a warm palm patted my shoulder. Turning around, what seemed to be a teacher stands in front of me. Smiling, he wore a grey buttoned up shirt and some black trousers.
"I don't think the security guards would slack off... So are you suppose to be here? If so what is your name?" (Teacher A)
"My name is Emil Lily. This is my first day so I was lost on how to register..."
"That is fine, whoops...I forgot to introduce myself, pardon my rudeness. My name is Subar. From today onwards it will be Subar-sensei"( Subar) Looking around, he stopped in one direction and continued to talk. "You see Tom-sensei over there? He is free right now. Go up to him and ask him to guide you to the registration building." (Subar)
"Thank you!"
"Your welcome. Excuse me, now I have a class to attend to." (Subar)
Going towards the adult that Subar sensei pointed at, Tom sensei gave a little wave. "From what I could see, you were lost?" (Tom)
"Yep, could you guide me to the registration facility for students?"
"Alright, right this way." (Tom)
Following a polished stone path surrounded by grass, there was a particularly small building to the east of the school entrance. The school had a one storey tall perimeter around it made of iron bars engraved in marble walls that looked extremely expensive. The wall basically shapes a rectangle around all the school facilities. In the middle stretching from the front of the gate to the centre of the school, was packed with multiple school buildings with numerous classrooms and some storage rooms with basic equipment. At the back of the school was training facilities that catered to different areas of expertise.
One such facility had a reinforced barrier protecting the building walls, floor and ceiling from sparring battles everyday. Another facility was a target practice range. To the right side of the school buildings was a large office-like building for the teachers to possible live in or normally just use for their job.
Next to the office building was another decently big building that paled in comparison of size. It was the registration building, paired with the principal's office in the back. There weren't many students as they are composed of usually a 100% rate of having noble lineage, if not for me. Well...technically it's still 100%,but you get the idea.
To the left of the school buildings was a decently large dormitory. Roughly half of the nobles used the dormitory, and they had to cater to their greedy needs of a large bedroom. It had roughly one of the best hospitality in the kingdom, placing 3rd in the best hotel in the kingdom. 1st was the king's very own castle, 2nd was a hotel owned by the king. Technically the king owns the school and this management team as well, since he invest quite a bit into it.
This kingdom employs a mix of monarchy and feudalism where individual nobles can own territory. The king himself inspects the land once a year to check for corruption and has ended quite a few bloodlines. Leaving space for new nobles to show up and manage the territory. Harox city was own by a noble of the Harox family. Only the residential district where the middle-class lives isn't owned by nobles. Excluding the king of course.
After receiving all that explanation from Tom sensei, I was relieved to hear that there was a dormitory. Registering by filling up my details, I lie about my background as an orphan and display a slightly sorrowful expression to make it believable.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that!" (Tom)
"Why are you sorry? Did you take my parents?"
"Ah-" (Tom)
"Pfff. That was a joke." It was partially true as my father has been held hostage and I basically abandoned my mother. It was suppose to be a joke, so why? Why is there a sorrowful feeling that urges me to look away from Tom and look down with dead eyes? I only met my parents for a couple weaks since I reincarnated completely.
"You shouldn't make such awful jokes! Now let's go and bring you to your class." (Tom)
Walking together to my classroom was an akward and quiet walk. Surprisingly, Tom sensei was teaching my class right now. The 15 minutes of homeroom was over and I had just registered in time.
Tom sensei's lesson was mana control. By the end of the first month, the student's were supposed to have acquired the skill [Mana control-tier 1]. Slowly over the course of 3 years, their [mana-control] would have evolved to [tier-4] or [tier-5] . This was an exclusive programme for the elite academy that ensured the students could be skilled in their careers. The basic course of education was that we would go through 3 years of the elite institution before going through 3 years of the normal magic academy. Those that went through the elite institution would have a headstart over the rest and could skip to year 2 in the normal academy.
Of course, I started later than the rest. The normal expectation was my awful performance right? Being 5 years younger didn't help either. But having [Mana detection-tier 3] apparently helped. Being able to observe in the air, I was easily able to move the mana and bent light away from me. Subconciously activating [Stealth]. Of course I immediately deactivated the [Stealth] and was met with a notification from the world system.
Skill acquired! : [Mana control-tier 3]
[Manipulate intonation-tier 3]
"Did you get the skill? Don't worry it's normal to not be able to acquire it the first time~" (Tom)
"Hey sensei. What does it mean when it's tier 3, and what is 'manipulate intonation'?"
"Tier 3 on your first try?! And you got a high tiered skill as well?! Emil-chan, what exactly do you do in your daily life to become this skilled?" (Tom)
***(Random murmering)
" What, that girl got tier 3?no way~"
" Impossible~"
"Is the teacher in cahoots?" "Why would a teacher do that?"
"What would a teacher even gain?"
"Isn't it obvious? I killed monsters until I was level 50 and got a tier A class. I'm not reach enough to bribe the priest and rent the church."
Back in the corner of the class was Fez Drey Von Tsumond. She had grey hair that reach her waist neatly tucked at the back of her head and constantly held an uninterested demeanor. Looking over at new girl Emil that had a strangely unique hair colour, her eyes widened for a split second before she looked back away to daze around at the window for the rest of the day.
Whoa... Is that a real life tsundere? Well, I can't say that out loud as it would be strange. She looked over for a second and now she was staring out the window deep in her own world like some random high school protagonist. Done with my strange presentation of my ability, I walked down the row of chairs and tables, before deciding on a seat.
The lesson continued as the teacher summarised all their previous lessons for me. Content that I could keep up, Tom sensei proceeds with their normal curriculum.