I died empty, so this time i shall give it my all in another world.

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Chapter 1 - 1 - Intro

It was just a typical day, I was out for my morning jog. *anime ringtone plays* shoot, I forgot to change the ringtone! A few meters away, a mother stares at me in disgust and covers her son's ears. 'It can' t be helped, that song was from a magical girl anime, I would be creeped out too if I saw a middle-aged old man with such a questionable ringtone jogging near me.

My name is Shuudan Sei, Im just your average salaryman, perhaps truck-kun will hit me or I will be summoned through some magical circle like those cliches. Anyway as I was saying, I was in the middle of jogging when a nearby mother was staring at me in disgust due to my ringtone.

Whoops! I better answer this call, "yes, this is Mr. Shuu speaking"

"Where are you! you're late for work!"

"I'm currently jogging right now"

"Did you mistake today as Saturday again! This is the third time this week! "

" Hold on, today wasn't sunday?! Eeeeh, fine I'll arrive as fast as possible! "

Ending the call, I sprinted for my house. Slamming the door close in a hurry, I took a tower from the bathtub to dry my body from sweat. To be honest, it was the third time that month that I had mistaken the workday as a weekend and became late." huh, maybe I'm getting used to it?" I should probably stop thinking like that, I am an adult! I should be old enough to have discipline.

I looked in the mirror as I was getting dressed, "ah, i wishes i was young again. Maybe I can try cosplaying in my old uniform when i get home." *pftt* I laughed to myself as I realised I said something dumb. My sense of humour is so bad I'm laughing at myself huh. My age must really be getting to me. "i die inside a little as it wouldn't be a surprised if i had a mid-life crisis*

Welp, I don't actually have time to be depressed, It's time to work. I don't actually have anything to bring as all the things I need are already in the office. I rushed out of my house for the third time that month, the fatique in my legs forcing me to forget about whatever depressing things i thought of on the house.

Due to my fatique, I couldn't think straight. All that was in my mind was the sole objective of reaching my office earlier.

- So I dashed acrossed the road. There was a large honging sound, I turned my head to the side to see what it was. There it was, a truck.I had a nice life, I guess. My parents were retired, leaving the family business to my little sister as I wasn't interested in running an inn.

The friends that I made in high school went on to their successful careers or at least fulfilled their dreams, like being a mangaka. That friend wasn't an extremely popular mangaka, nevertheless he had an amazing group of fans that would line up for his autograph at comiket.

He would always talk about how he was happy thay he made his fans smile by drawing a manga. For me, I just made choices that I thought would earn me the most money, realistically possible. So i picked a stable job in a stable company to be a salaryman. I never actually followed my dream as i wasn't ambitious as a child.

Oh well, I guess this was the end of my life. - - - NOT, as I have said. This was the third time i was rushing to work, even if it was only after 2 times. My instincts for cars have been polished a little, when i was crossing the road, that truck wasn't in my peripherals yet. Cmon! Just a little more! It felt like my leg was burning from the fatique.

In the end it wasn't as close as I thought. The truck driver had sounded his horn because someone lost control of their dog. It wasn't for me at all. I was staring at the little dog, when i remembered i was on the road. *screeeeeeech* *crash*

I paniced a little and rolled over a car that almost hit me. The driver of the car passed out, thank god now I can escape without paying reperations. After rolling over the fast moving car, my body obviously received quite a impact. I struggled to stand up as my legs were vibrating from fright.

Regardless, I ran as fast as I could. About a half hour later, I finally arrived at my office. Sitting down on the chair, I decided to cool down using the air conditioner.

I was chilling when *BOoomm*, there was a giant white nose poking through the window, wait no, it has gone even further and expanded, wait why is there an airplane in my office! . A crimson liquid drips down my head. Ah must be from when the debris flew at my head. Slowly, my consiousness started to waver. A bright light swallows me up.

Opening my eyes, I was in a plain grass field. Tch, and i spent all that effort to avoid getting hit by a vehicle, a gOddaMn airplane crashed into my face. Where am I? And why is it so breezy down there? I looked down and see a white dress flowing in the wind. WHY AM I WEARING A DRESS?!Oh, this was just something that the dead wear.

A warm breeze blows past me as I approach a small hill. There was an empty table and chair along with an umbrella covering it.


If you've made it this far, thank you for at least giving it a try. I hope you pick this series up, well it depends on your taste and how much of my amateur writing you can endure.

This(first 3 volumes) was just the initial draft(non-canon) , if you want to read the proper version, start from volume 4 onwards.