The atmosphere on the board was really terrible. Of course, the boss was not feeling this at all.
Why did the staff know that their boss has a date without it being explicitly announced? Because their boss decided to answer none work-related phone call during an important meeting.
Despite feeling that it was unfair, the people inside the meeting could not complain at all. They were too busy scrambling to finish their report in 15 minutes at most, and that was a challenging task.
"Enough. We will finish this on Tuesday. Make sure you are all prepared at that time." Suzuki Kyou voice suddenly cut off the manager that was currently reporting before he waved his hand, indicating everyone could leave.
At first the staff was startled, but eventually released a deep breath, and immediately left the room before the boss changed his mind or started firing someone. The only people left in the room were Suzuki Kyou, his assistant, and secretary.