The True Severed Protagonist had just come to fruition, and yet it was already making grandiose moves!
It initiated many things, and the end result was for Cheats and Plot to continue their severing as they surged toward their Final Severed State.
As this occurred.
Noah held the Piece of a Spoke of the Wheel with the Heart of the Megalos Ynnere at its base as he continued to communicate with it.
Its uses had shown themselves to be extremely potent against the Sources of entities- especially so against the Faceless Lifeforms!
It could Purify to a terrifying extent as its other major uses were traversal.
He could enter the Megalos Beyond and the Megalos Ynnere freely.
There was the the Megalos Nihilos.
The place filled with Anti-Matter!
The one state of matter he had not gotten into.