"I should keep an eye on them," Enly said, referring to sending off her boys out there to scout those damned insects.
"They should remain far away," I warned, "I don't want to start the fight earlier than planned."
"I'll make sure they got this message clear," she nodded and left, leaving only Dredly and Omad remaining there.
"Get me a piece of paper," I said to them, "large enough to draw a big map over it. and don't forget a pen or something to write with."
The two hurriedly went out to look for what I asked. When the system granted me the quests, I found a small map leading me towards the places of these quests.
Previously the system would lighten the way up for me, but these days were when he was gentle and nice to me. Now he decided to abandon any help and adopted a completely hostile status with me.
And I didn't regret that, in fact after seeing all these quest maps I had to thank him.