"Ding Dong! I'm obliged to warn you, trying to exit the tornado from the eye of the storm is the dumbest thing ever!"
"Ding Dong! You will be subjected to a fierce storm and ending up dead isn't a far possibility."
"Then you should rest assured that your long dream will finally come true."
"Ding Dong! Don't throw off your life like that! Just wait until the tornado links with others."
"As if you'll allow that to happen soon."
"Ding Dong! I'm not the one controlling the tornados."
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"Ding Dong! You should listen to your friend's advice."
"Indeed I will."
I didn't listen to any nonsense he threw in my face as I waited calmly for my grand flying army to assemble.
"My lady," they all saluted me in respect and veneration.