I listened to her offer and found it appealing and logical. "Alright, what do you have?" I said.
"I have ten quests, all are centered around defeating more villages and gaining more races," she said.
"Wow, that's just what I wanted to do all the time," I laughed before adding, "will villages here count?"
"Yes," she answered.
"Good," I said while turning to Omad who was busy handling his new army. "Omad, come here for a sec," I shouted, and he left everything in hand and came to salute me.
"Your orders, my lady," he respectfully said as he seemed quite thrilled with his new gain.
"Lead your army with her and conquer all the villages you meet," I said before adding when I noticed his weird glance, "I will be beside you with my personal army."
"Good, when should we leave?" he said.
"Right away," I waved my hand and he moved to make his army ready.