Even my system was really excited by gaining this few! Forty five gave me more than what others gave! I chuckled as I pointed my spear to them as I said:
"Who is your leader?"
I didn't want to trouble myself dealing with all of them, plus I didn't plan to stop at these forty five. I needed more, and I would gain more; eventually!
"Me," one of them raised his head as he replied. I glanced at him meaningfully, making his body tremble faintly before adding, "I'm Ric."
"Alright," I smiled as I added, "from now on you will be the leader of my necromancer army." I then turned my gaze away to the distance where the area was still filled with hostile bones. "I suppose these don't belong to you."
"My lady is correct."
"How many are there?"
"Two thousand left the village."
"A village?" my eyes shone brightly before my greedy tone appeared again, "Is there a necromancer village here?"