My words were enough to entice their excitement. I could see their pumped up will already in their eyes; they wouldn't settle just by telling me the places of other races.
And that just suited me the best.
"How can we reach you again, master?" Omad, in a very respectful tone, asked.
"Well, you can go to the plains out there," I turned to point out towards the direction of the great plains, "there you will find a path between two vast walls, ascend it and you will find my village."
The two nodded, and I thought of leaving a bunch of monsters back at the path to welcome them. "I might also leave some of my pets, monsters that swore allegiance to me. They will guide you to my place from that point."
"That's better," Dredly said, "I will lead those able to fight with me after all the children and elders leave here."