The five guys nodded to me as they all expressed in unison their agreement and understanding of my words. "Good, go now and start doing your tasks," I said as I had my enough of this place.
I needed to start moving with some real steps towards my goals. Just as I turned around to head towards my two demons, the persistent and much annoyed system of my behavior said:
"Ding Dong! You know you don't need to take the trouble of looking for talents to build your desired village. I can unlock these for you."
"Really? That's so generous of you," I sarcastically said, as birds never grew on trees, "then unblock them to me now," I demanded, knowing exactly the answer it would provide.
And it didn't disappoint my expectations.
"Ding Dong! I can't! you need to stick to the rules and follow the ladder of technology set for all!"