Den glanced strangely at me for a brief moment as it seemed he had quite a struggle to retrieve such info. "I think I slept all the time, but when I was woken up, I heard a strange sound in my head telling me I was evaluated and was deemed a loser, so I would be sent out to help other winners for the well being of mankind."
I knew what he was talking about, the system spoke to him then. As I thought from before, the system was the one pulling the strings from the shadows, but for what purpose?
"Never mind, you are here now. Let's just enjoy this walk to the place where we will restart from scratch."
"Did my esteemed lady establish a place for herself already?" he asked with much anticipation, however he was doomed to be disappointed.
"No, but I intend to start once we reach there."
"There is… where?" he asked with a loss over his face, and I didn't bother explaining everything to him. I wasn't like Shin.