"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! The world is finally united. The world is reborn anew. All beings were judged, all beings died and now will be reborn again.
Only the worth of them will have the chance to hear my words, have the privilege of living in this world, and will be fortunate enough to gain a chance in the grand race of the competition; the competition to own this world!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! A world without an owner is a world without a future. So the first and sole purpose of my existence is to supervise over the current competition, until one victor emerges and then I will serve him like I once served her."
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! The judgment is over, and those who are deemed worthy will have the chance to start, good luck in your survival race."
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"