"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! The world was shattered, and now the world is going to amend itself again. the heaven and earth will be silent, mourning the dead of the old, celebrating the birth of the new."
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! The world is going to amend itself in four hours. No living thing can escape from this repair, no power can stop this repair, and nothing will be able to shatter the world ever again."
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong! The process will take years, but those who are worthy enough will be rewarded, and those who aren't will be stockpiled. Pray you are worthy, or pray to live as a sheep."
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
"Ding Dong!"
The sound kept thundering the whole world, shaking it from the foundations to the top, making me feel how small I was, how fragile I was, how helpless I was.