Tricking a little girl like me was a simple feat, but tricking such strong and experienced masters was really a grand performance. I kept replenishing the lost hunger value caused by my artifact while waiting for the master to appear with the others.
What should I tell them? That was the question ringing deeply in my mind right now! I either would tell them the truth, the full truth, without anything to hide, or I could hide a piece here or there.
When I thought about it, it wasn't wise hiding anything from my allies, especially at this dark hour! I didn't expect them to change the fated apocalypse, but the more surviving humans the better.
At least I wouldn't be the only sore thorn in my enemies' side, and wouldn't be subjected to their focused retaliation all the time!
In less than ten minutes, I sensed the appearance of many, really more than what I initially expected.