I kept moving my balloon over my players for long stressful minutes, while stealing glances all the time downwards, trying to see any sign of their improvement.
After a long half an hour, during which my spear managed to push back most of the hands here in this world, my players finally started to show up signs of life; they weren't dead, well not most of them of course.
In the next hour, I kept raining pearls, and my players started to have enough strength to stand up on their own legs. This scene was enough to cause quite a cheerful storm inside my heart, as I hurriedly shouted:
"Anyone who has any hearts, use them all! Take the extra and give them to your nearby players."
My voice kept echoing in this empty layer one time after another, as I never stopped shouting, ordering them to do the only thing that could keep their lives away from the doorsteps of death.