As I stood amidst all those great and venerable masters, I realized how I was so low in the general status ladder of this society, yet here I was, standing there like one of them.
Camilia, that lady who wanted to toy with my poor demon and kill it, looked at me as she calmly asked, in a serious face void of any humor:
"Tell me, what exactly happened?"
I noticed that all the masters were now looking at me attentively, and at this moment I felt some nervous, as I tried to be as calm as possible:
"I went to conquer the castle of the fifth layer, and after conquering it, three mystic art masters came to sneakily attack me, and when I killed one of them, the other two escaped, threatening me with their master, and here I am, being trialed for a crime I didn't do, and on hands of the criminal himself!"