As I made sure those behind the walls didn't notice what I had done, I started the second phase of my plan, as I thought:
'I want to sign a serving contract with all the players inside.'
'Each contract will cost you fifty gold coins. The contract is a standard slave contract that can't be breached except if you released them. any violation to the contract will end by killing the players. do you want to proceed?'
The cold voice came to give me a detailed explanation of the contract. I really didn't know what a slave contract was, but I felt it was somehow similar to the butler contract. To be safe I thought:
'Show me the slave contract.'
'Contract is in your head, if you agree just say the magical word.'
I didn't know why but that cold sound seemed to enjoy this. I had a contract suddenly in my head. I read it more than once and it was strangely similar to the butler contract of Diana. When I was sure of its strength to safeguard me, I thought: