One way or another I had to know everything about that witch's artifacts. She had left a group of artifacts behind with curses to those who weren't of her own blood.
She left them to me, and I was sure they were like a special set that had to serve a certain role. I needed them as that witch had foreseen that, or else why would she care about entrusting these artifacts to certain resourceful people?
Why would she leave a curse behind over them to be activated on those who weren't part of her lineage?
Everything seemed connected logically with Shin's words from before, and everything was miraculously linked to the same conclusion.
I was one of the offspring of that witch, and these artifacts were mine, my right by birth.
He just kept looking at me and I didn't even open my lips. As I waited silently he added:
"I will answer your question now and then I will leave, is that clear?"