This was obvious, as the end result of this would be reaching the critical mark of hunger value without any surprises. The roles of the cakes then will be extending my fighting time for a little more. I didn't know if that was acceptable to me, however Shin said before I could think of a way out of this:
"There is a solution to fix all that."
I looked at him instantly, while Gabri said:
"The increase in the mystic art user team? That would cost a fortune to do that!"
I rushed to say at this point:
"What do you mean? Can I increase the number of my twenty team players?"
"Yes, you can do it however you will need to pay a fee. For each extra player you need to pay ten gold coins. That's insane, as who would have all this wealth early in this game? we can't consider this option, we don't have a money tycoon here!" Rody said while shaking his head.
"Are there any upper limits to that? Any conditions for the players?"