"I trust you, and trust anyone of my friends. However, who isn't in my friend list is considered a stranger to me, and I never trust strangers."
I needed to state out my stance clearly to him, so he didn't take a wrong picture or jump to a wrong conclusion. He just nodded his head before saying:
"Now, you know the whole game world is interested in your new group. To be honest I was more surprised by convincing Rog to join than you establishing the group or defeating players of two iconic groups."
I chuckled as I said:
"I didn't allure him, he just needed a little push on the back and he fell into my lap."
He laughed as he knew I was joking, then he said honestly:
"I'm really glad for him, I know Rog since we were young, even younger than you now."
"Hey hey, I'm not the kid you are talking about," I yelled at him with a funny manner. He just smiled as he commented: