My question was met by complete silence, I was about to unleash my rage upon them. were they thinking I was joking just now? My hunger value had escalated to reach ninety-five value, five more and I would die!
'I have one package of chocolate cakes, do you want some?'
I looked towards the one who saved the day, she was Elyo. Never trust men, and always ask girls like this angel right here. I didn't reply with words, as I hugged her at once while saying out loud:
"Thanks, you really are trustworthy."
"Oh, I didn't know this would mean that much to you."
Elyo was honest in her words, however I didn't care if she got lucky to have extra cakes or she went to get some herself, she gave me the cakes at the end. Luck was one of a person's strengths after all.
She took the cake package out, they were smaller in size, bigger than cupcakes made entirely out of chocolate. There were half a dozen there, so I didn't delay in taking them all while saying: