He was kinder after he knew I was the one who accepted that legendary challenge. I stood there patiently while enjoying the good feeling I was having right now.
He didn't keep me waiting for long, as he said with the same kind face of his:
"Congratulations, your group managed to cross ten thousand members in this short period. You are lucky, and you deserve being so. I prefer the brave over smart, keep your good job adventure. Tell me, what is the name you want for your group?"
I began to like this uncle, as he was really nice with me. I replied without much delay:
"I want to name it The Bloodthirsty Dragon Group."
"Hmm, it's a great name. I registered it for you, and now everyone of your group will get a memo about this. Good luck adventure."
"Thank you, sir."
I left the place with a big smile and strange peace inside me. I didn't think naming my young group would feel this good.