I was enraged, impulsive, and irrational. Anything I spotted moving I didn't think twice before releasing my spear onward to claim his or her life. I wasn't separating between male or female players, they were all the same to me right now, a target that needed to be eliminated.
At first, my sudden attack with my small team was pretty effective, no one ever stood to attack and all tried to defend. After a few moments, some of the players managed to hinder the progress of my team, and I was alone isolated in the middle of their ranks.
Even though they were feeling threatened, facing one girl all alone with their huge numbers was a great boast that worked magically on them, so they finally reacted.
The first I met resistance was a couple of swordsmen and defenders. They tried to stop my tracks, while giving their mates time to react better, however their try was destined to fail. Who could stop my spear once I let it free?