I kept raising the heat gradually fearing the temperature would exceed the mark. After few moments of concentration, Nada said again:
"It's 3500 now."
I stopped raising the intensity of the fire as I watched calmly two other materials transformed from solid state to liquid. The scene itself captured me, the change of color of each material was a new fascinating experience for me, and I loved it.
This time, the two materials melted down in less than a minute, so I didn't stop and raised the heat rapidly this time, as I needed it to reach 4200 degrees.
"It's 4200 now, no it's 4300," Nada's voice came suddenly to make me startled. I stopped controlling the fire, while Nada's voice came to guide me:
"Don't lose your focus, it's normal for the fire to exceed the limit you need, just calm down and try to control the fire to burn weaker."