My mind was leaning from blaming Respon for this trap and finding an excuse for him, as this was made obviously by those girls in his harem, which was also related to him, so he wasn't totally innocent here.
I couldn't think clearly as there were other issues I needed to clarify, like how to find an exit from this problem, like what was the nature of my trick that I learned from my master. I looked towards Shin as I asked loudly:
"You know some info about the trick I learned from the master, also did that bitch Leli."
"Well, that's kind of complicated," Shin said.
"It's not that complicated, it's an honor," Mony rushed to say, attracting my attention to a point I didn't notice before. It wasn't only Shin who knew about my trick, it was also my team. I looked towards Mony as I asked:
"Can you explain what honor is?"