The road back to the village seemed longer than I recalled. I rode on top of my demon for hours. "These necromancers are slowing us down," I complained, while feeling they were the reason behind taking this long to reach the village.
My personal army accompanied me, with no signs yet for Omad and Dredly. I reached the pass leading to my village and didn't even glimpse a shadow of them. "What took them so long," I was impatient to see what these two would bring to me.
As I ascended the pass, I found the small village I once left brimming with noises. Many buildings were already built there, out of wood of course. I wasn't much offended by this scene now, especially when there was such a strong looking wooden wall built around the village.
It was two stories high, with three primitive watching towers and one large wooden gate. I knew Jack wouldn't do miracles with what he got, but what he did seemed quite nice so far.