"Ding Dong! What are you afraid of? I won't take much, and you already have much!"
"Thanks, when I find myself stuck at this issue I won't hesitate to ask you," I lied so it would stop bothering me like this!
"Ding Dong! As you like, but away from the Golam's cities you won't find a solution fast."
"I will try my luck," I said without showing my happiness for his slipped tip. I planned to invade these cities soon anyway, so I now had one more reason to do so.
I waited for a couple of minutes before Ric came out with a group of old men from the inside. They seemed quite distressed as it seemed they didn't like what I did to their old chief.
"My esteemed lady, here is the high council of our village," Ric bowed in salute before saying this. I glanced over this group of five elders; I didn't like them!
"Will you kneel or not?" I harshly asked but they didn't comply.