Flying in such an empty place was really boring, if not for the constant threat of depleting my hunger value from my spear. With time, after days of flying peacefully in this layer, I was about to get bored again even by the constant supply of pearls to my body.
It wasn't interesting to just stand there and keep eating pearls, while doing nothing but watching a clear land covered with lightning, with many loots scattered there with no time to grap.
"Sigh, I just hope Aria could grasp these loot before the apocalypse," I sighed, and my words were heard by the two demons, who just glanced silently at me.
"What? Do you still want to know more about the apocalypse?" I asked, as they kept asking me for the first couple of days about what went wrong inside the heart of the twentieth layer fort, and I just kept my tongue from telling them.