Chereads / Code D. / Chapter 8 - Vengeance

Chapter 8 - Vengeance

Vijay was sceptical about the presence of Pankaj's father as a volunteer every night. But he didn't show his suspicion to anybody. He wanted to know the real reason behind it. It might be normal . He thought he was getting Over-suspicious.

One thing was clear that the killers would use some kind of powdery substance to make people unconscious so that they could do whatever they want without any problem. But the question was, how could they made all those persons unconscious who were watching the streets at night, and how everyone missed this fact that they get unconscious for some time and the killers got opportunity to write on walls or make marks of black (X). Was there any involvement of someone from the watch party? One more question was bothering him, if the same powder was used to turn all the victims unconscious, how could one constable remain partially concious? If the story told by him was real, or if he was just his hallucination. Was there any chance that the constable was a part of all this?

There were so many questions to be solved. First he decided to talk to all the volunteers of night watching team . He decided to talk to them one by one. The first person he had a conversation was Pankaj's father. He began discussing with him about his profession and how could he remain awake all the nights while no other person guarded the streets for no more than one night. He replied that he was an auto parts trader, so he didn't need to work all day long. Most of his work was done on phone. So, he had plenty of time to sleep. Moreover he often feel difficult in sleep as he was suffering from insomnia. That is why he volunteered to remain on watching duty all the nights, just to help. After talking to all the persons separately, Vijay decided to have a meeting with all the persons together. Considering the importance of the issue, everyone revealed that they would fall asleep around 3 am every morning and get up after some time.

Vijay left for the hospital to talk to the constable., when he strictly asked him how could he not get completely unconscious while the others did. The constable confessed that he would smoke marijuana, it might be the reason that the potion didn't work on him completely. There was a possibility in it, Vijay thought.

It was 31st December, 1986 , while the rest of the world was celebrating the New year's Eve, people in street no 5&7 were hidden in their houses out of fear.

At around 1am on 1st January 1987, two figures arrived in the cemetery of Rajgarh. They were carrying ropes and an axe. They were whispering in some unknown language. It seemed as if they were planning something. Suddenly from some graves 7-8 persons jumped out and caught hold of the two. It was revealed that Vijay and his team of 5 policemen and two policewomen.

In some of the South Indian states DEVDASI system had been prevalent for hundreds of years. A girl at her pubescent devoted herself to the temple deity, under a ceremony called Pottukattu, that was quite similar to the marriage ceremony. They would spend all their time in worshipping or learning various art forms, including classical Indian dances like Bharatnatyam, Odissi and Kuchipudi. The status of Devdasi was very high in the society. But there was an issue they had to make physical relations with high class people. When the British came to India, they could not differentiate between prostitutes and Devdasi. Many reformers tried very hard to abolish this system. The system was totally outlawed in India in 1988.

In the morning of January 1,1986,Inspector Vijay triumphantly arrived in street no 7 and called all the people out to reveal the good news that their culprits were arrested ,so they needn't fear at all.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and wanted to know everything. Vijay told them that the sibling duo of 30 yrs old Gunappa and 28 yrs old Punni was behind all this. Their mother was a Devdasi in a village in the state of Andhra Pradesh. She was highly respected in her village. But 20 yrs ago , a group of street dancers visited that village. All the prominent villagers were mesmerized by the charm of a particular street dancer, as her skills were the best.The village headman was in her complete influence. But the street dancer could not bear the thought that a Devdasi was getting utmost respect in the village. Along with her manager she worked on a conspiracy to remove the Devdasi forever. She killed her and threw her body in the river. Her manager, as planned left the village at night. The next morning she showed the villagers a letter written by her manager, which stated that he and the Devdasi were in love and they had left the village for good. The villagers were so angry as it was against the traditional values. They threw the Devdasi's two kids out of the village.

Those two kids were Gunappa and Punni. They were raised in an orphanage, but Gunappa could never forget the face of that street dancer who was the reason of their miserable life. When he was 28 , he visited the village and knew that the dancing girl had left the village 15 years back with her kids. But the village headman still knew her whereabouts. When he contacted him, he found him suffering from cancer. Gunappa revealed his identify and told him everything. The village headman felt ashamed and to repent, told him that she was in New Delhi and gave him her address. That street dancer was Anju's mother. Gunappa and his sister wanted revenge. So they carried out a plan and came to Delhi.

For two years they kept a watch on the family of Anju. They realised that those days acts of stage dancers was common in weddings. Gunappa held all of them responsible for their sufferings. He wanted to eliminate all the stage dancers. In this way a series of blood bath began.

People were awestruck at this revelation by Vijay. Vijay continued, Gunappa went mad when he got the chance of killing Anju, he was so mad that he brutally raped her before killing. This was not approved by Punni. She didn't like what Gunappa did. Even Gunappa felt ashamed of him for this act. He promised Punni that it would never be repeated again. When Vijay was told them that the manager of Anju's mother in the village was none other but Babu's father. One more thing the people were curious to know about how could they fall asleep at around 3 am. Vijay smiled and said that Gunappa was using a very strange powdered drug, and he was very much aware about the quantity of that drug was required to mare anybody fall asleep or unconscious. He had a trained pigeon with him, which he used to make the guards fall asleep. He would fly the pigeon in the street which would sprinkle that powder over the guards and make them fall asleep.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief that the ordeal was over. The case is registered as CODE D in police files.

After a couple of years, Gunappa was sentenced with Capital Punishment while Punni was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The End.